5 Things I learned from a No-News Detox

30 days with NO NEWS
Of any kind, in any way.
… Here are 5 things I learned and how I feel.
How I feel:
I haven't had this much peace of mind and inner calmness since before smart phones. And I am back to being super productive with far fewer distractions because I don't have the toxic energy in my mind and soul.

#1 - The news makes everything sound worse than it is and shows the worst of people at their worst moments.

This will eventually make you think that is how people are most of the time, and you will start to behave similar. This is why there is so much anger right now. The news is putting gas on the fire and fanning it.

They spend billions on ways to keep you hooked like an addict with malicious intention and at the most minute subconscious level. 95% of the news is hate filled opinions, lies or a twisted version of the truth to fill time slots and keep you glued to the tv screen.

What I didn't realize is how toxic and angry it was making me, until I stopped watching and reading. It took less than a week to feel a significant difference. Now 30 days later, I feel like a different person.

#2 - I used to love politics. I studied it in college (almost majored in it). So reading the news, feeds that interest.

But, after a couple of weeks off, I realized that I don’t like it anymore and I was simply getting a dopamine fix and stuck in the manipulated system designed to keep you hooked. Not much different than a gambling addict. You might not think it has that effect, but it does on millions of people. There is scientific evidence to back this up.

#3 - If something important happens, someone will tell you about it. In the last 30 days, not a single person has told me anything. What that tells me, is that most of the time, there is nothing that I am missing that will have any effect on my life.

That also tells me, that I was the one initiating the news and politics conversations most of the time.

Now, I preempt conversations with people who only talk about politics with, "Good to see you. Today is day XX of my news detox and I haven't felt this good in years." That stops politic talk in its tracks. And we actually talked about more personal things life family and hobbies. Bonus.

#4 - Other wasteful habits also faded away.
I replaced the time reading the news with studying Spanish, listening to an audiobook, or catching up the to-do list. The more my mind cleared from the toxicity, the more I craved positive productive things. Meditation found a regular place back in my life.

#5 - Journaling and keeping track of the days with "no news" got me through the withdrawal phase. For me in this case, it saved me during the first 10+ days when the habit was strongest, and keep me on track when I was bored and the habit wanted to rear its power.

Funny thing, this happened because I updated my Unstoppable Journal and started using the new format which included one critical new comment box.

What's your "NO-GO Plan"?
"NO-GO" is the one thing you are NOT going to do today that is wasting your time, draining your energy, or preventing you from living the life that you want to live and becoming the to be the person that you want to be.

"NO-GO" examples could be ... doom scrolling, eating sweets, staying up too late, skipping exercise, procrastinating, etc.

I chose, no news for 30 days.

Each day, the first entry into my Unstoppable Journal was "Day X of NO NEWS!" Then I would do my regular journaling.

There is a magic in something as simple as starting your day like this. It programs your mind and sets the direction for the day.

In other words, you are choosing who YOU WILL BE, what you will accomplish, and how your day goes.

You are in YOUR POWER.
Instead of letting others control your day.

Now that the 30 days is over, will I read the news again? Definitely not. I will be news free until the end of the year. Maybe for good.

I feel way too good, so much more at peace with myself and the world, and I am way too productive, gaining speed and momentum.

What would change your life in doing something for 30 days?
🙏 Croix

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